Archive | October 2011

New Beginnings

Lighthouse Beach Port Macquarie

Lighthouse Beach Port Macquarie Photo by Simon Williams

When you are young new beginnings are full of hope and promise.  Your life is flexible, you believe that changes can bring rewards. As you accumulate the baggage of life new beginnings require much more thought, negotiation and planning.  Where once you only had to consult with yourself, now you must consider the needs, wishes and wants of a group of individuals who may not always be as keen on beginning anew. Continue reading

Reading This Week – Worse Things Happen At Sea – William McInnes, Sarah Watt

Anyone who has survived a long-term relationship (and I’m talking decades, not just a year a two) knows it is an adventure in joy, despair and resilience combined with equal parts humour and anger.

This memoir of family life by Aussie Actor/Writer, William McInnes, and his Film Director/Animator wife, Sarah Watt, captures the nuances of daily life endured and enjoyed over 20 years together. Continue reading

Project 44 – One Woman’s Overcrowded Wish List & One Year To Do It All

Yellow FlowersIt’s one month until my birthday.  As I head towards my 44th year on this planet I am conflicted.  Having seen my skinny, fit husband survive a double heart bypass at just 42 years of age I understand life is precious.  But it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy the wrinkles – and why didn’t anyone tell me eyelid droop was part of aging? I’m sure I didn’t know about that little gem. Continue reading

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo


Skippy the Bush Kangaroo - Photo by David Fitzpatrick

A number of kangaroos call our suburb home. This weekend they were virtually at our back door … I think they were a little upset about the fact the acreage behind us has just started work on developing their land.

I Don’t Meet Your Selection Criteria Because I’ve Been Busy Having A Life

Returning to the workforce after a ten year absence was an eye-opener. Technology had moved above and beyond anything a mere mortal could have imagined back in 1997.  The internet was in constant use in every office in the country, “I’ll google it” a common refrain. How did we ever create radio programs without the instant research tool at our fingertips?  Somehow we did.

Networking used to be drinks at the pub after work, now it was Twitter and Facebook – not on-line get with it!

Blogging – was that even a word in 1997? Media, marketing, public relations jobs all demanded to know how I would “blog” their brand to the demographic?

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