Tag Archive | Photographs.

Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree

Birds are causing a problem in my life at the moment. A baby magpie has discovered how to fly into our house. He’s making it a daily activity swooping through the open sliding doors, pooing on the clean washing and departing. Trying to remember to close the doors, but need one open for the dog. Magpie even worked out there was access via this second door and starting flying across an inner deck to make his grand entrance.

It’s like living in a Hitchcock thriller as we all screech and duck  while maggie swoops and weaves through the house.

Luckily the kookaburras haven’t yet learnt the trick.

Kookaburra photo by David Fitzpatrick

A bit peckish? Photo by David Fitzpatrick

Weekly Photo Challenge – Summer

While I sit here rugged up in my winter woolies, the Weekly Photo Challenge asks me to cast my mind back to the summer. It was a soggy season, lots of rain and not nearly enough hot sun. However during one warm day Princess Child got out into the front yard and proved you can never be too old for a bit of fun with the garden hose and sprinkler. She even managed to convince her sister to join her at one point, well she squirted her with the water and she had to retaliate.

When was your last water fight?

Hope you are keeping warm wherever you are.

Exploring Port Macquarie – Whale Watching Season

It’s time for whale watching again. Every year from May to November the giant humpbacks migrate along the east coast to the warmer waters of the South Pacific to breed.

They then journey with their newborns back to the colder climes of the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic.

My brother captured these shots from the headland at Tacking Point. The two whales were greeted by a pod of 30 dolphins. They provided an escort welcoming the visitors to the area and playfully launching themselves toward the duo.

The whales seem to enjoy the company – it’s always nice to meet the locals when you travel!

My brother declares it was an amazing experience to watch the interaction and see first-hand these absolutely awesome creatures.

Super Moon Snaps

Manning the openline switchboard on a mid-dawn radio program we had a theory the more colourful of life’s characters used to emerge when the moon full. Could the moon influence behaviour? If so, what would a supermoon do?

Did you see the supermoon On  May 5th? When the moon is a bit closer to the earth on its orbit and it coincides with a full moon you get a supermoon happening. It’s a once-a-year event. Some believe it signals impending natural disaster (meterologists don’t tend to support that theory)  but we seem to have come through unscathed this time around.

My brother managed to captured some pictures of the super moon on our side of the world. Enjoy.