Tag Archive | Aging

You Know You Are A Grown-Up When

  1. You go to the local pub for a drink on a Sunday afternoon and complain the band is playing too loud.
  2. You consider the weather and comfort when choosing your clothes for the day. You begin to think 6 inch heels and a strapless dress may not get you through.
  3. You hear yourself saying “really some of the clothes at Target are great – and very reasonably priced”. Esprit and Country Road become a distant memory from a more affluent time.
  4. You like to be in bed by 9.30pm.
  5. You forget what a sleep-in involves.
  6. You begin to believe there’s no point going out for dinner, you can cook the same meal for a lot cheaper at home.
  7. You sign mortgage papers and it’s not as easy to just “get up and go” when you get bored with a place.
  8. You suddenly realise it’s important to budget.
  9. You suddenly realise there’s no way in hell this income is going to meet these expenses. You ditch the budget and learn to juggle.
  10. You, or someone you love, faces down a serious illness.
  11. You make a will.
  12. You care more about someone else other than yourself.
  13. You bury a parent.

Letter to my 16 year old self

Have you seen the book “Dear Me, A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self“? An array of celebrities write a letter to their teenage self. If you could jump in the DeLorean and head back to the future to meet up with the kid you once were what advice would you offer?

Here’s my attempt.

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Project 44 – One Woman’s Overcrowded Wish List & One Year To Do It All

Yellow FlowersIt’s one month until my birthday.  As I head towards my 44th year on this planet I am conflicted.  Having seen my skinny, fit husband survive a double heart bypass at just 42 years of age I understand life is precious.  But it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy the wrinkles – and why didn’t anyone tell me eyelid droop was part of aging? I’m sure I didn’t know about that little gem. Continue reading